
One Man’s  Testimony

Luke 8:11   …  The seed is the word of God.

                                                                                                                                       continued …

Each and every witnessing account is in and of itself.


each one of the witnessing accounts within this book was a very unique situation where I was compelled of the Holy Spirit to witness to this person,

at that moment in time;

declaring the gospel of my Lord & my Saviour Jesus Christ was for me to do,

at that moment in time.

“A sensitivity unto the Holy Spirit of God is necessary for you to be a true & faithful witness unto your Lord & your Saviour Jesus Christ;”.


“Witnessing cannot happen if the witness does not know the truth of what is being set forth,

so that this truth can be made clear to another.”


Each person I witnessed to was declared to me by the Holy Spirit and each person either received or rejected

the words of the Lord;

each person either received or rejected the gospel

of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Each witnessing testimony is unique because each person is unique,


Your Witnessing is very specific to your personal walk within this life. 


Each person who is compelled of the Holy Spirit to be a witness is unique and is specifically called at that moment in time,

 to witness to: ? ? ? .” 

   “Are you willing?      Are you focused?      Are you yielding?

Are you honoring your Lord & your Saviour Jesus Christ, by presenting HIS gospel with HIS written word, to those singled out by the Holy Spirit of God?

Are you witnessing to those who are only for you!?   


Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  Revelation 22:20 vs. 21   … A-men’.


When a child of God yields unto the Holy Spirit he receives a blessing which he can received in no other way because,

his sensitivity to the Holy Spirit increases each and every time that he sincerely yields unto his Lord;


The last words recorded within this book are:

Mark 16:15

And he said unto them,

Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

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An added blessing is included!

 With each book purchased you will receive:

2 complimentary copies of the witnessing booklet:  Jesus Christ  “the Saviiour of the world.”


Witnessing  One Man’s Testimony  book is a paper-backed book measuring 6 1/4″ x 9 1/4″  and has 108 pages.


Jesus Christ  “the Saviour of the world.”   is a witnessing booklet measuring 8 ½” x 5 ½”  and has 16 pages.