This book contains 23 witnessing accounts where the author declares the gospel of his Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ
to those around him, as his day unfolds.

By: Michael Steven Kenworthey


One Man’s  Testimony

Luke 8:11   … The seed is the word of God.


 The first account is witnessing to a man who said,

I lost everything.


He said that he was going to an “AA”, Alcoholics Anonymous, meeting.”  

I read and quoted many verses of Scripture as I declared the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to this man. 

While I was setting a Holy Bible before him I said,

The Lord desires for you to have this Bible, HIS word, if you will accept it?; it is between you and the Lord Jesus Christ.”.

This account ends like this:

“With a sincere peaceful expression upon his face and with a peace which was very evident while I was looking into his eyes,

this man reached out and he received this Holy Bible;”  and  he said, “Thank you.”.


          The preface of this book is to help a person to be focused on declaring the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to Scripture and not according to personal opinions. 

When God’s Holy Word is set forth then the glory & the honor is continually focusing on Almighty God. 

Several Scriptural verses are recorded on the first page, declaring that God’s Holy Word is to be the focus of witnessing to those around us.


Mark 16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Acts 26:22,23  22Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing … saying …:   23That Christ should suffer, and that he                                      should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.

Romans 1:16  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and                            also to the Greek.

Romans 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved.

Timothy 1:15  This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.


Before witnessing, one must be grounded in the truth of God’s Holy Word.


    “A true believer is to be a witness unto his Lord & his Saviour Jesus Christ at his own level of faith & sensitivity unto the Holy Spirit of God; Declaring the gospel of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ to those who are lost!.


  My hope and my prayer is for these witnessing accounts to encourage you to go forth and declare the gospel of your Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ to those who are a part of your every day life.


Each recorded testimony of witnessing is set forth of the Holy Spirit while I was in the spirit mind and as I sincerely yielded unto my Lord & my Saviour Jesus Christ.  


      Each testimony is recorded to encourage a fellow believer, a brother or sister in Christ, 

to be a true & faithful witness unto your Lord & your Saviour Jesus Christ, 

by the leading of the Holy Spirit of God, 

where HIS word is declared as absolute truth! All to the glory of God; your Father!


The second account is about:

a man who said that he was traveling across the entire United States of America; he was traveling from coast to coast.  

Likewise,  I read and quoted  many verses of Scripture to him.  

After reading and quoting the Scriptural verses singled out within this Holy Bible that was being set before him, 

I also said,  

“this Holy Bible is for you if you will receive it?”

 He did receive the Holy Bible that was set before him.


            Each witnessing account gave the person being witnessed to, an opportunity to hear God’s Holy Word being read or quoted,                                                                                                             as I held the Holy Bible in my hand;                                                                                                     the Holy Bible that I held was the same one that I was to set before this person.  


Some other accounts within this book include:

witnessing to a man at AutoZone;   witnessing to a man who worked at Lowe’s as he was helping me;   

witnessing to a beggar on the street after I parked my van and walked over to him;   

witnessing to a doctor after my examination;   witnessing to a lawyer after receiving some advice about the law;   

witnessing to a lady who called for jurors at the courthouse in New Orleans as I was leaving  

and  many more accounts of everyday situations. 


The last witnessing account within this book is of a young lady who I met at the Mandeville lakefront. 

This young lady introduced herself as, Tazz.

Several times while witnessing to Tazz, she had tears in her eyes, which she wiped away.”  

“She had tears in her eyes when I declared to her that a person must truly repent in order to be saved;”   


During this time of witnessing, she connected with the reality of her unworthiness and her needing to declare herself as a sinner

who is deserving of hell, and then to be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone; to be tormented for ever and ever

yet,  as of the recording of this testimony,  she has never truly made that confession;  as was evident by her expression and 

according to her own words.


during this time, she moved from a mind of talking about things of God according to her opinion,

to a mind of listening to the absolute truth of God’s holy word;

which was being set before her according to Scripture.. 


In the end of my initial witnessing 

I said,

Tazz, my Lord & my Saviour Jesus Christ has compelled me to set this KingJamesVersion of the Holy Bible before you if you will receive it?  


this last witnessing account ends like this: 

“In a sincere, humble, gentle manner and with some tears of a softened heart within her eyes,

Tazz reached out and took this Holy Bible from my hand;

then she said,

“Thank you.”.

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Witnessing One Man's Testimony book cover image with black border
By: Michael Steven Kenworthey

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 With each book purchased you will receive:

2 complimentary copies of the witnessing booklet:  Jesus Christ  “the Saviiour of the world.”


Witnessing  One Man’s Testimony  book is a paper-backed book measuring 6 1/4″ x 9 1/4″  and has 108 pages.


Jesus Christ  “the Saviour of the world.”   is a witnessing booklet measuring 8 ½” x 5 ½”  and has 16 pages.