My hope is for God’s people to have a greater focus on

declaring HIS Holy Word as absolute truth, when presenting HIS gospel;

HIS written word is to be present when declaring the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ: the Saviour of the world..


My prayer is for God’s people to have a greater peace in

holding fast to the absolute truth of God’s Holy Word when being a witness for

his Lord & his Saviour Jesus Christ!


There is sharing and there is declaring;

we are to share personal testimonies


we are to declare the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! 



This ministry is to provide both instructional and witnessing materials (God’s Holy Word)

to the Church (God’s People).

        These books: The Holy Spirit of GodWitnessing One Man’s Testimony  and the witnessing booklet, 

Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. help a mature believer to become grounded within God’s Holy Word, at a greater level. 


Ultimately, these materials are to encourage a fellow believer, a brother or sister in Christ,

to be a greater witness for his Lord & his Saviour Jesus Christ,

according to Scripture! 




as a child of God:

Go forth and declare the gospel of your Lord & your Saviour Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world;

declare HIS gospel to a world that needs a Saviour

and that Saviour is

                                         the Lord Jesus Christ:  the Saviour of the world.!   John 4:42 ; 1John 4:14



Revelation 22:20,21

20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. A-men.  Even so, come, Lord Jesus.          

21 The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  A-men’.